Cabernet Sauvignon is one of the world's most widely recognized red vines. Despite its popularity, the variety is relatively young as a result of accidental combination of Cabernet Franc and Sauvignon Blanc during the 17th century in southeastern France. Reason for its widespread popularity is its simplicity and easy adaptability to different climates, terrains, rainfall, sunshine, exposure etc. When there is a suitable climatic condition for the cultivation of any red variety, then you can certainly grow Cabernet Sauvignon.
Medium maturing variety: grapes ripen in the first half of September. It has strong growth, high fertility and average yield. Yields ranged from 7260 to 15400 kg / ha depending on the variations and branches. It grows well on the hills of light sandy and humus-carbonate soils. Relatively resistant to drought, frost and rot.
The cluster is small (50-100g) cylindrical-conical, sometimes winged, semi-compact or loose. The grapes are small ( 0.8-1.2g) spherical, blue-black with abundant bloom . The skin is thick and leathery. The fruit inside is juicy, with a harmonious taste and colorless juice.